undocumented students

The Sordid Math of Racism and Political Violence — Part I

The Sordid Math of Racism and Political Violence — Part I

This week, the Opportunity Institute joined more than 250,000 other people and organizations in urging the Commerce Department to remove the citizenship question from the 2020 Census.

Process and Protest and Detained Immigrant Children

Process and Protest and Detained Immigrant Children

Tomorrow, hundreds of thousands of people across the country are expected to march in protest of the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” criminal prosecution of immigrants crossing the southern border, the forced separation of immigrant families by government officials, and the federal government’s lack of transparency regarding the location, welfare, and future of detained immigrant children.

Something Less Than “Thoughts and Prayers” for Undocumented Students

Something Less Than “Thoughts and Prayers” for Undocumented Students

Some of you have been reading with incredulity and disgust the newspapers, newsfeeds, and Twitter threads about the “immigration crisis” in the United States. What you have been reading — and perhaps avoiding — about “immigration enforcement” is, at heart, the latest manifestation of toxic and brutal white nationalism. And the situation is very bad.

A Mixed Bag of Big Budget Victories

A Mixed Bag of Big Budget Victories

Funding "victories" for education in the 2018 federal budget are significant, but perhaps more important is the bipartisan agreement in Congress that attention to these communities and to these issues is an ongoing national priority.