Remembering MLK: A 10th Grader on April 5, 1968

Remembering MLK: A 10th Grader on April 5, 1968

Every year, still, I feel an achy hollowness in my chest. Sometimes there’s also a tightness and throbbing—like now, as I write this. 

The first time, my ache was accompanied by a deep, grumbling fear. I was in 10th grade, vice president of the student body, sitting in the gym bleachers, about to share my thoughts with about 1,500 students, the morning of April 5, 1968. And I feared for the future of racial justice.

A Mixed Bag of Big Budget Victories

A Mixed Bag of Big Budget Victories

Funding "victories" for education in the 2018 federal budget are significant, but perhaps more important is the bipartisan agreement in Congress that attention to these communities and to these issues is an ongoing national priority.