A Mixed Bag of Big Budget Victories

A Mixed Bag of Big Budget Victories

Funding "victories" for education in the 2018 federal budget are significant, but perhaps more important is the bipartisan agreement in Congress that attention to these communities and to these issues is an ongoing national priority.

What We Stand For

What We Stand For

How can we respond to armed engagement between civilians in our public squares and to the gravely un-American statements by our president? We must embrace a renewed intensity in the struggle for opportunity.

Mobilizing Formerly Incarcerated Students in California’s Colleges and Universities

Mobilizing Formerly Incarcerated Students in California’s Colleges and Universities

Formerly incarcerated scholar and Soros Fellow Danny Murillo asks, what role do formerly incarcerated students play in challenging the stigma of incarceration, advocating for policy change and seeking social justice? Through the development of a statewide network, he seeks to amplify their voices to advocate and implement an equitable system of higher education for all.