Digital Inclusivity in American Education

Nearly 20 million Americans still lack access to fixed broadband service. In rural areas the numbers are even more alarming: nearly one-fourth of the population doesn't have threshold speed internet services.

This digital divide results in too many children struggling to learn remotely, without access to the technology and high-speed internet they need.

Maria Echaveste joined Rep. Chrissy Houlahan (D-PA), co-chair of the Congressional Women in STEM Caucus, and Ed Chang, Executive Director of redefinED Atlanta, for a conversion about digital inclusivity in American education, hosted by Changing America.

The panelists discussed how we can tackle digital inclusivity, what steps we must take to create equal opportunity for students of all economic backgrounds and how as a country we put our education system on course for a successful future in the digital age.   

Maria touched on how the pandemic revealed for the first time to all Americans the uneven playing field in education equity and how the future is a digital future:

“Without access to the internet you will be limited in your opportunities...We electrified the country many many decades ago because we saw that as essential for bringing all Americans together and progressing. We need to think of internet access that way.” 

Check out the entire panel discussion at Changing America.