The Opportunity Institute is proud to announce that our Dr. Lande Ajose, Senior Vice President of our Postsecondary and Transitions to Work Program Area and Director of California Competes, has been appointed by the Governor to the Committee on Awards for Innovation in Higher Education. California Competes has actively promoted the prize, which rewards community colleges for programs that increase degree attainment, transfer rates, and time-to-degree in meaningful and creative ways, since the inception of the Innovation Awards in 2014.
"I am thrilled to serve as a Committee member for a program that I feel so passionate about. The Awards for Innovation are a critical tool for accelerating degree attainment in California and better serving our students," said Lande.
California Competes believes innovation can be a key lever in promoting degree completion. We must give our public institutions of higher education the flexibility to leverage new technology, course and curriculum redesigns, and other creative strategies to close the degree gap, especially among underrepresented students. The Innovation Prize does just that.
Please follow California Competes on Facebook and Twitter to learn more in the coming months about the Innovation Awards, including advice from past winners and information on how to apply.