Will CA continue to lead in using higher ed to address mass incarceration?

By Renewing Communities

Scores of Californians have spent the past three years laboring to accomplish the unprecedented: bringing together our enormous criminal justice and public higher education systems to build a new generation of college students and graduates. The reasons why are clear – higher education reduces recidivism, changes lives, and builds stronger communities. We can no longer consign incarcerated and formerly incarcerated men and women to ending their education with a GED; they, like all of us, deserve the opportunities that hard work and a college degree create.

This publication highlights California’s successful efforts to build public higher education access for thousands of incarcerated and formerly incarcerated students, both in custody and on college campuses throughout the state. It celebrates the growth and California’s vision for student outcomes along the full continuum from incarceration to release and beyond. 

Read the full report here